Blue 55 gallon drum standing on the grass with new pig nipple waterer installed waiting on a leak test before going to the pigs
Animals,  Pigs

Awesome Time Saving Pig Nipple Waterer!

Are you tired of bring water to the pigs in five gallon buckets, and then they spill it almost instantly? I dreaded taking the pigs water each morning because they were just going to spill it and make a huge mess! Then I was going to have to make another trip with wagon full of water. In steps the hero of the day the PIG NIPPLE WATERER!

Supply List

An empty blue 55 gallon barrel lays on its side in the grass awaiting the project to begin.
Empty blue 55 gallon barrel
  • Food Safe 55 gallon drum
  • Pig Nipple Waterers with Bulkhead fitting (from Amazon)
  • Drill
  • Hole Saw Drill bits
  • Teflon Tape
  • Silicone Caulking
  • Tape Measure
  • Pliers or wrench
  • Sand paper or a knife

Assembly Instructions

  1. Measure 8 inches from the bottom of the barrel for piglets, and 16 inches from the bottom of the barrel for large pigs. We have barrels with both heights for sows with piglets.
  2. Verify your hole saw is just a tiny bit smaller than the bulkhead fittings that came with you pig waterer nipples.
  3. Hold the drill straight and use the hole saw bit to cut out the hole(s) at the locations you marked.
  4. Use sandpaper or a knife to clean up the hole edges so they are smooth.
  5. Screw the bulkhead fitting part way in each hole you made so that the hole is threaded.
  6. Line the bulkhead fitting you need out on your work surface.
  7. Apply a thin bead of silicone caulking to the threaded side, and thread them all the way into the holes on the barrel.
  8. Now for the fun parts lean into the barrel and apply a thin bead of silicone around the threads on the barrel. Then apply the washer and nut to the bulkhead until they are tight on the barrel.
  9. Apply Teflon tape to the threads of the nipple waterer.
  10. Screw the nipple waterers in until hand tight.
  11. Use the wrench or pliers to tighten the nipple waterers an additional one half turn.
  12. Let the silicone cure for at least an hour, and clean up your work area.

After the Silicone Cures

  1. Add water to the barrel above all the fitting and make sure they do not leak.
  2. If there are leaks add silicone where needed, and leak test again.
  3. If no leaks are found then empty the barrel move it to the pig location, and fill with water.
  4. Show the pigs that water will come out when they mess with the nipple waterer, and watch to make sure they figure it out.
Blue 55 gallon drum standing on the grass with new pig nipple waterer installed waiting on a leak test before going to the pigs
Completed Pig Nipple Waterer Barrel

Most of our pigs have caught on rather quickly, but you do need to make sure they understand that water is available at a new location. Is there something you would like to learn how to build? Send us your questions on our Contact Us page email link.

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