Eggs on a barrel top evening lighting.
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Meandering into Homestead Life in Texas!

Mobile Home before remodel
Before the Remodel

Can you believe that meandering into homestead life in Texas was at one was a random dream conversation that we all brought to reality? Seriously we drove home on a military leave period, and buying a chunk of land with tiny houses came up. The “commune plan” was kind of a joke as random things would come up in the news. A savings account was started, and slowly the funds began to grow.

Dreams started to become more of a reality, and the search for land was on. The plan had always been for Texas, but finding the right spot to start out was up in the air. The initial land purchase was about 12 acres, but there was a 5 acres track behind it with no viable access. So began the building of the homestead base. The front house came with the initial purchase of land where my brother lives with his family.

After a 20 year military career, we began the retirement process and planning to moving back to Texas! In the summer of 2021, we purchased the 5 acres behind the front house, and the race was on. The mobile home on the back property needed a full remodel from roof to well pump. Both families continually worked to finish the remodel before our move date in August 2021. May to August that year was a little bit hectic. We drove from Virginia to Texas and back four times, and worked on the trailer each visit.

Remodel Complete

After it was all said and done we are a happy homesteader group of two families that live on 17 acres. At this time we have a thriving garden, and…

  • 2 livestock guardian dogs
  • I lost count number of chickens more than 50
  • 3 ducks
  • 10 turkeys
  • 1 orphaned Nigerian Dwarf Goat (why there is an orphaned goat)
  • 3 Nubian cross goats
  • 3 Blue Butt Pigs
  • 2 Piedmontese Calves
  • 1 pregnant Jersey cow

We are a lot of things, but most importantly we are 2 families raising 9 cousins all together with a plethora of crazy. You to can achieve your own level of crazy one new skill at a time.

Follow us so you can gain the tips and tricks we learn along the way so that your journey to self-sufficiency is smoother. You can also find us on Instagram @TheMeanderingHomestead to see boat loads of pictures of our adventure. We do check all of our social accounts regularly.

Homesteading skill mentor in the North Houston area. Grow your skill set no matter where you live. Are you longing to move to the middle of nowhere and live a mostly self-sustaining life? We want to help you start gaining the skills you need no matter where you live right now.